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Trusted gait data distribution system between patients with lower limb musculoskeletal disorders, physicians, and researchers(ORPHE Inc.)

2023/07/07Use Cases
Trusted gait data distribution system between patients with lower limb musculoskeletal disorders, physicians, and researchers(ORPHE Inc.)

This page shows the "Trusted gait data distribution system between patients with lower limb musculoskeletal disorders, physicians, and researchers" exploried and tested by ORPHE Inc., in the 2022 "Use Case Demonstration Project of the Trusted Web".

Please click on the links at the bottom of this page to learn more about the details of the demonstration.

Current issues and What Trusted Web Solves

Data to verify

  • Patients verify relationship-VC signature issued by data sharing requesters (doctors, research institutes etc.) to confirm user attribute who submits that request.
  • To confirm the accumulated biometric data belongs to the patient, verify identification or sensor data while recording the data (in the future).
  • Record hash on a distributed storage (Private Data lake IPFS) to verify the patients input data such as walking measurement and subjective pain etc. have not been tampered.


  • We confirmed the feasibility and demand of the system through the implementation of application and trial demonstration with some lower limb musculoskeletal diseases patients.
  • Successful implementations of verification of user attribution and non-tampering of patient’s data.
  • This project relies on data from shoe-sensors. On verification of the data source whether the patient is the user at the time of recording, it needs further study for implementation. To do so, we recognized the need of additional analysis techniques such as gait recognition of sensor data.


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